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مصطلحات مثل "نحن" و"لنا" و"خاصتنا" المذكورة هنا يمكن أن تحدد موقع يمكن أن تضع سياسة الخصوصية هذه إرشادات لإدارة المعلومات الشخصية التي جمعناها عن طريق استخدام موقعنا وغير ذلك. يمكن أن يعترف الحكم المذكور بمراعاة حقوق وواجبات نحن والزوار. ومع ذلك، فإننا لا نستخدم أيًا من المعلومات الشخصية الخاصة بأطراف ثالثة؛ ولهذا السبب نحن لا نلتزم بسياساتهم، ونأخذ في الاعتبار أي أضرار. علاوة على ذلك، يمكن التعرف على مزيد من التفاصيل حول هذا الأمر في هذه السياسات المشتركة المستقبلية.
يتم استخدام المعلومات الشخصية التي نجمعها لتحديد هويتك وتوفير وسائل الراحة وفقًا لذلك. لذا فإن المعلومات التي يمكننا جمعها هي كما يلي: -
We may obtain your personal information from a biometric source and use it accordingly. The information about those media is as follows:-
The personal information we collect, based on your consent, may be used only in the required field and in accordance with the company's standards. So the details we may use are as follows:-
The information stored with us may be shared with our travel partners and third parties to cover every aspect of the services. However, the data disclosed to them may be subject to their own privacy policies, and we may not be aware of such matters. Accordingly, the information we disclose is as follows:-
We may also collect data useful to the marketing team for advertising purposes. So, we and our partner may obtain your analytical/advertising data through various media, which are as follows:-
The simplest way to retrieve personal information while visiting a website is to accept cookies. But the acceptance made on third party websites may be subject to their rules. Their use can be practiced below:- is not responsible for the privacy policies of websites it links to. If you provide any information to these third parties, different rules regarding the collection and use of personal information may apply. For any questions about how they use the information they collect, you should contact the respective rights holders directly.
We or take appropriate steps to ensure data privacy and security, through various hardware and software methodologies. However, cannot guarantee the security of any information that is disclosed online. In addition, other details that we do not disclose are as follows:-
Notwithstanding the legal provisions of this Privacy Policy, we may change or add any additional provisions at any time. Therefore, we advise you to visit our website at regular intervals to stay updated on any amendments. Such amendments may become effective from the date of their publication. As a result, we cannot be held liable for any kind of damages arising from the failure to review this provision.